💔 👑 Born a Crime: Ch. 17-18 🥓 Choose one of the chapters. -Ch. 17 The World Doesn’t Love You💔 Identify the theme. [1 sentence] -Even The World Doesn’t Love You, Your Family Will Love You. Write a brief summary. [2-3 sentences] - When Trevor was ten years old, he was caught shoplifting batteries. Trevor's mom, Patricia told the cops that she will not take him up from jail, because her son needed to learn not to shoplift. But the cops thought no mother would leave her child in jail, so they let Trevor go, assuming he was an orphan. Trevor often borrowed cars with no proper registration from Abel’s auto shop. But Trevor was pulled over by a cop and because he was not the car’s owner, he was arrested. Trevor borrowed money from a friend to hire a lawyer and went to jail. In jail, the cops brought a muscled Tsonga man. Trevor and the other prisoners were scared of this truly intimidating criminal. But Trevor thought about Nelso...